vrijdag 23 september 2011

Sandisk Sansa Clip volume too low

Using my sansa clip with a Sennheiser PMX 680 headphone I noticed the volume was pretty low on max volume.
The reason was I set the region to Europe. Too get more volume out of it you have to reset it to region "Rest of the World":
(source: http://www.avforums.com/forums/portable-music-mp3/1181368-sansa-clip-too-quiet.html)

1.Turn on your Sansa Clip
2.Make a note of any settings you would like to keep (we're going to reset them in a minute)
3.Select 'Settings' from the main menu
4.Select 'Reset All'
5.Select 'Yes'
6.Select your language of choice (English for me)
7.Select 'Rest of World' as your region
8.Optionally: ◦Scroll through the settings menu to 'Volume' ◦Select 'High'
9.Set the volume as you normally would - you should have lots more oomph now